Medical research

How do neurons and blood vessels "talk" to each other?

Neurons and blood vessels often traverse the body side by side, a fact observed as early as the 16th century by the Flemish anatomist Andreas Vesalius. Only over the last ten years, however, researchers have discovered that ...


Study: Blood vessel damage could be an Alzheimer's driver

Blood vessel abnormalities in the eye are a major factor in the progression of Alzheimer's disease, according to research from Cedars-Sinai investigators published in the journal Alzheimer's & Dementia. These changes correspond ...


AI helps show how the brain's fluids flow

A new artificial intelligence-based technique for measuring fluid flow around the brain's blood vessels could have big implications for developing treatments for diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Study clarifies ApoE4's role in dementia

ApoE4, a protein linked to both Alzheimer's disease and a form of dementia caused by damage of blood vessels in the brain, increases the risk of cognitive impairment by reducing the number and responsiveness of blood vessels ...


Beta blockers can repair malformed blood vessels in the brain

Propranolol, a drug that is efficacious against infantile haemangiomas ("strawberry naevi," resembling birthmarks), can also be used to treat cerebral cavernous malformations, a condition characterized by misshapen blood ...

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