Medical economics

Prevention may be better than cure, but it is also less well funded

As Australia's health system struggles with the growing burden of preventable disease, new analysis published today provides important insights into government research funding that is designed to help keep Australians healthy ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers uncover how colorectal cancer cells colonize the liver

In cases where cancer is fatal, 9 out of 10 times the culprit is metastasis. This is when the primary tumor has sent out cells, like seeds, and invaded other organs of the body. While medicine has made great progress in treating ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Machine learning helps define new subtypes of Parkinson's disease

Researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine have used machine learning to define three subtypes of Parkinson's disease based on the pace at which the disease progresses. In addition to having the potential to become an important ...

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