Oncology & Cancer

The role of immune cells in the formation of metastases

Tumor cells use a certain type of immune cell, so-called neutrophils, to enhance their ability to form metastases. Scientists from the University of Basel and the University Hospital of Basel have deciphered the mechanisms ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers identify drug against the formation of metastasis

The most deadly aspect of breast cancer is metastasis, cancer cells spreading throughout the body. Researchers at the University and the University Hospital of Basel have now discovered a substance that suppresses the formation ...

Oncology & Cancer

Simple test to predict likely spread of rare cancer

New QUT research has shed fresh light on how head and neck cancer spreads to other organs and researchers are developing a simple blood test to tell doctors which patients are at risk of spread long before conventional imaging ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

What you eat while pregnant may affect your baby's gut

A mother's diet during pregnancy may have an effect on the composition of her baby's gut microbiome—the community of bacteria living in the gut—and the effect may vary by delivery mode, according to study published in ...


A docking site per calcium channel cluster

A study co-led by Ryuichi Shigemoto and Alain Marty concludes that a single docking site may use a single cluster of calcium channels, and that both the number of docking sites and the number of calcium clusters change in ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

One person commits suicide every 40 seconds, WHO reports

One person commits suicide every 40 seconds—more than all the yearly victims of wars and natural disaster—with the highest toll among the elderly, the United Nations said Thursday.

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