Psychology & Psychiatry

Nucleus accumbens recruited by cocaine, sugar are different

Nucleus accumbens in the brain play a central role in the risk-reward circuit. Their operation is based chiefly on three essential neurotransmitters: dopamine, which promotes desire; serotonin, whose effects include satiety ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Current, not prior, depression predicts crack cocaine use

(Medical Xpress) -- Women who are clinically depressed at the time they enter drug court have a substantially higher risk of using crack cocaine within four months, according to a new study. Because current but not past depression ...

Medical research

Possible tool to help cocaine users kick the habit

Medicines which increase levels of the brain chemical dopamine may hold the key to helping those addicted to cocaine and amphetamines kick the habit, researchers from the University of Cambridge have found.


Study supports new strategy to fight cocaine addiction

An international team led by scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) has found strong evidence supporting a new strategy against drug addiction. The researchers showed that a compound that inhibits the activity ...

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