Oncology & Cancer

Study identifies new gene that drives colon cancer

Researchers at Mount Sinai's Tisch Cancer Institute have identified a new gene that is essential to colon cancer growth and found that inflammation in the external environment around the tumor can contribute to the growth ...

Oncology & Cancer

Protein's role in inflammation-related cancer studied

It's well established that chronic inflammation can lead to colon cancer, but the molecular mechanisms behind this association aren't fully understood. Research at Vanderbilt University Medical Center into the role that the ...

Oncology & Cancer

Putting the STING into cancer immunotherapy

Immune checkpoint blockade therapies have been revolutionary in the treatment of some cancer types, emerging as one of the most promising treatments for diseases such as melanoma, colon cancer and non-small cell lung cancer.

Medical research

Human tissue model developed to test colon cancer drugs

The first-ever "disease in a Petri dish" platform that models human colon cancer derived from stem cells has been developed by Weill Cornell Medicine investigators, allowing them to identify a targeted drug treatment for ...

Oncology & Cancer

The Achilles' heel of cancer stem cells

Since colonoscopies were introduced in Germany for early cancer detection, the number of diagnoses of advanced cancer every year has decreased, as precancerous lesions can now be detected and immediately removed as part of ...

Oncology & Cancer

Potential new cancer treatment activates cancer-engulfing cells

Macrophages are a type of white blood cell that can engulf and destroy cancer cells. A research group led by Professor MATOZAKI Takashi, Associate Professor MURATA Yoji, and YANAGITA Tadahiko (Kobe University Department of ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study details powerful molecular promoter of colon cancers

Cancer researchers already know of some oncogenes and other factors that promote the development of colon cancers, but they don't yet have the full picture of how these cancers originate and spread. Now researchers from the ...

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