
What are mitochondria and how did we come to have them?

We've probably all heard of mitochondria, and we may even remember learning in school that they are the "powerhouses of the cell" – but what does that actually mean, and how did they evolve? To answer this question, we ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Scientists advance understanding of herpesvirus infection

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections last a lifetime. Once a person has been infected, the virus can remain dormant (latent) for years before periodically reactivating to cause recurrent disease. This poorly understood cycle ...


Understanding how HIV evades the immune system

Monash University (Australia) and Cardiff University (UK) researchers have come a step further in understanding how the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) evades the immune system.

Medical research

Why some developing hearts can't tell left from right

When a developing heart can't tell left from right, it can take a team of scientists from a host of disciplines to explain why. Yale pediatricians, geneticists, cell biologists, and imaging experts have identified a surprising ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes


Antimicrobial peptides are natural antibiotics found in all multicellular organisms. These molecules are viewed as potential drug candidates in the post-antibiotic era because widespread microbial resistance against them ...


Copper on the brain

(Medical Xpress)—The value of copper has risen dramatically in the 21st century as many a thief can tell you, but in addition to the thermal and electrical properties that make it such a hot commodity metal, copper has ...

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