Psychology & Psychiatry

Study suggests depictions of depression are often misleading

A Finnish study, appearing in the journal Psychopathology, shows that people are commonly given misleading information about depression. According to the researchers, inaccurate information makes it harder for people to understand ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

First of its kind study shines light on LGBTQ+ farmer mental health

LGBTQ+ people involved in farm work are over three times more likely to experience depression and suicidal intent and about two and a half times more likely to experience anxiety than the general population. That's according ...

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Depression (mood)

In the fields of psychology and psychiatry, the terms depression or depressed refer to sadness and other related emotions and behaviors. It can be thought of as either a disease or a syndrome.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) states that a depressed mood is often reported as feeling sad, helpless, and hopeless. In traditional colloquy, "depressed" is often synonymous with "sad," but both clinical depression and non-clinical depression can also refer to a conglomeration of more than one feeling.

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