Autism spectrum disorders

Revised checklist improves detection of autism in toddlers

(HealthDay)—The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised with Follow-up (M-CHAT-R/F) is an effective screening tool for autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in low-risk toddlers, according to research published online ...

Autism spectrum disorders

A better approach to diagnosing autism

As the number of children with autism increases nationwide, the need for effective and consistent clinical diagnosis is growing. A statewide committee recently published new guidelines designed to ensure health professionals, ...


Move to the beat: How music can help your brain

Whether pounding the streets, putting in the effort at the gym or learning the latest dance moves, many people enjoy listening to music while exercising. Now scientists believe that combining movement and music could be beneficial ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Sleep education helps families of autistic children

Parent sleep education is beneficial in improving sleep and aspects of daytime behavior and family functioning in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), according to a Vanderbilt study published in the Journal of ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Ga. autism project looks to early detection

A partnership between an autism research center and the state of Georgia is working to boost early detection and diagnosis of the disorder.


Studies examine fetal alcohol syndrome in South Africa

Two recently published studies report prevalence data about fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in South Africa and find that negative consequences of prenatal exposure to alcohol may be lessened if a child is provided ...

Autism spectrum disorders

No oxytocin benefit for autism

The so-called trust hormone, oxytocin, may not improve the symptoms of children with autism, a large study led by UNSW researchers has found.

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