Medical research

Research sheds light on mechanisms underlying aging

Scientists have known for decades that drastically restricting certain nutrients without causing malnutrition prolongs health and lifespan in a wide range of species, but the molecular mechanisms underlying this effect have ...


Sleep-deprived preschoolers eat more

The preschoolers, all regular afternoon nappers, were deprived of roughly three hours of sleep on one day - they had no afternoon nap and were kept up for about two hours past their normal bedtime - before being awakened ...

Medical research

Strict diet combats rare progeria aging disorders

Mice with a severe aging disease live three times longer if they eat thirty percent less. Moreover, they age much healthier than mice that eat as much as they want. These are findings of a joint study being published today ...

Medical research

Life-prolonging protein could inhibit ageing diseases

Researchers have found a molecule that plays a key link between dietary restriction and longevity in mammals. This discovery may lead to the development of new therapies to inhibit age-related diseases.

Overweight & Obesity

What what role does MSG play in obesity and fatty liver disease?

The commonly used food additive monosodium glutamate (MSG) has been linked to obesity and disorders associated with the metabolic syndrome including progressive liver disease. A new study that identifies MSG as a critical ...

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