
Child health concerns related to use of food additives

(HealthDay)—Regulatory changes are needed to address child health concerns related to the use of food additives, according to a policy statement published online July 23 in Pediatrics.

Sleep disorders

New study links poor sleep quality to atrial fibrillation

Poor sleep quality appears to be an important risk factor for atrial fibrillation, report scientists in the first study of its kind to demonstrate a relationship between poor sleep quality independent of sleep apnea and a ...


Chemicals in hair products for black women raise concerns

(HealthDay)—Multiple chemicals associated with endocrine disruption and asthma are contained in hair products used by black women and children, according to a study published online April 25 in Environmental Research.

Psychology & Psychiatry

The science of when to worry

"I've always been interested in research with very young children. I'm fascinated by developmental periods of struggle—the terrible twos, for instance."

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