
Social stress affects immune system gene expression in monkeys

The ranking of a monkey within her social environment and the stress accompanying that status dramatically alters the expression of nearly 1,000 genes, a new scientific study reports. The research is the first to demonstrate ...


Study: Genetic kidney disorder reversible in preclinical models

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), a genetic disorder, causes fluid-filled cysts to develop on the kidneys, which can impair their function. As part of the growth of cysts, the kidneys develop inflammation ...


A new mutation in kidney disease

Medullary cystic kidney disease type 1 (MCKD1) is a rare genetic kidney disease. Despite this, because it is an autosomal dominant disease, once the mutation is in a family, many family members are affected. Current diagnostic ...


Genome surgery for eye disease moves closer to reality

Researchers from Columbia University have developed a new technique for the powerful gene editing tool CRISPR to restore retinal function in mice afflicted by a degenerative retinal disease, retinitis pigmentosa. This is ...


Explainer: What is genetic risk?

Genetic risk is the contribution our genes play in the chance we have of developing certain illnesses or diseases. Genes are not the only deciding factor for whether or not we will develop certain diseases and their influence ...