Oncology & Cancer

Clinical trial results for BIND-014 presented at AACR 2013

The nanoparticle drug BIND-014 is effective against multiple solid tumors, according to results generated by the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) and Scottsdale Healthcare, and presented today at the American ...


Malaria vaccine fails to work after four years

A new vaccine that has raised hopes of becoming a potent new tool in the battle against malaria seems to stop working in children after four years, according to research published Wednesday.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Tapeworm DNA contains drug weak spots

For the first time, researchers have mapped the genomes of tapeworms to reveal potential drug targets on which existing drugs could act. The genomes provide a new resource that offers faster ways to develop urgently needed ...


Mining for new drugs in the ocean

Each time we use an antibiotic, the weaker strains of infection are killed off while the stronger, more virulent strains are left behind to multiply. In the past, this has not caused much concern, as there has always been ...

Medical research

New flu drug stops virus in its tracks

A new class of influenza drug has been shown effective against drug-resistant strains of the flu virus, according to a study led by University of British Columbia researchers.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New hope in fight against multi-resistant germs

An increasing number of bacteria is evolving antibiotic resistance. Much-feared representatives of this steadily growing group include Staphylococci strains. At this point, multi-resistant forms of the bacterium Staphylococcus ...

Medical research

In the brain, broken down 'motors' cause anxiety

When motors break down, getting where you want to go becomes a struggle. Problems arise in much the same way for critical brain receptors when the molecular motors they depend on fail to operate. Now, researchers reporting ...

Medical research

Doubling down against diabetes: Turbo-charged gut hormones

A collaboration between scientists in Munich, Germany and Bloomington, USA may have overcome one of the major challenges drug makers have struggled with for years: Delivering powerful nuclear hormones to specific tissues, ...

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