
Walking backwards has a surprising number of health benefits

Walking doesn't require any special equipment or gym memberships, and best of all, it's completely free. For most of us, walking is something we do automatically. It doesn't require conscious effort, so many of us fail to ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Women burn fat even after menopause

The estrogen deficiency following menopause is thought to impair women's ability to use fat as an energy source. A study published in Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases and conducted at the Faculty of Sport ...

Overweight & Obesity

Can weekly prednisone treat obesity?

Obese mice that were fed a high-fat diet and that received prednisone one time per week had improved exercise endurance, got stronger, increased their lean body mass and lost weight, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study. ...

Overweight & Obesity

New insights into hypothalamic obesity

Hypothalamic obesity (HO), a refractory form of obesity, results when suprasellar tumors lead energy intake to overtake energy expenditure.

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