
Why some people may be at greater risk of folate deficiency

As many expectant mothers know, getting enough folate is key to avoiding neural tube defects in the baby during pregnancy. But for the individuals who carry certain genetic variants, dealing with folate deficiency can be ...

Inflammatory disorders

New insight into risk of Ankylosing Spondylitis

Scientists at the University of Southampton have discovered variations in an enzyme belonging to the immune system that leaves individuals susceptible to Ankylosing Spondylitis.

Oncology & Cancer

Blocking key enzyme in cancer cells could lead to new therapy

Researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine have identified a characteristic unique to cancer cells in an animal model of cancer—and they believe it could be exploited as a target to develop ...


New warning about the risks of combining ibuprofen and codeine

The European Medicines Agencies (EMA) recommended European countries include new warnings on labels and in package inserts of analgesics, or pain killers, that combine codeine and ibuprofen. This recommendation was agreed ...


Losing protein helps heart recover, scientists say

When a person has a heart attack, portions of the heart muscle die in the next several days or even weeks if deprived of oxygen for long enough. The recovering heart slowly remodels itself, even fostering the growth of new ...

Medical research

Stem cells hold hope for Hurler's syndrome

University of Adelaide research using special adult stem cells is promising new hope for better treatments for the devastating genetic disease Hurler's syndrome.

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