
Study: The epigenome of newborns and centenarians is different

What happens in our cells after one hundred years? What is the difference at the molecular level between a newborn and a centenary? Is it a gradual or a sudden change? Is it possible to reverse the aging process? What are ...


Researchers complete the first epigenome in Europe

A study led by Manel Esteller, director of the Epigenetics and Cancer Biology Program at the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), professor of genetics at the University of Barcelona and ICREA researcher, has ...


Building new tools to study the epigenome

Researchers know that the epigenome plays a key role in how DNA is expressed, and have linked changes in the epigenome to a wide variety of health problems – from cancers to autoimmune disorders. But not only is there a ...


Our epigenome is influenced by our habitat and lifestyle

Research on the genomes of Pygmy hunter-gatherer populations and Bantu farmers in Central Africa, carried out by scientists from the Institut Pasteur and the CNRS in cooperation with French and international teams, has shown ...

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