Medical research

Building human breast tissue, cell by cell

The next frontier in developing therapies for cancer and other diseases could come through studying organ development or tumor growth in living humans. Problem is, there's no ethical way of doing that using current technology.

Medical research

Cancer-linked protein helps control fate of intestinal stem cells

An international group of researchers has shown that a regulatory protein involved in controlling how cancer spreads through the body also influences the fate of stem cells in the intestine of mice. The results, which are ...

Oncology & Cancer

Decoding the emergence of metastatic cancer stem cells

In the first study of its kind, Rice University researchers have mapped how information flows through the genetic circuits that cause cancer cells to become metastatic. The research reveals a common pattern in the decision-making ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists make breakthroughs in ovarian cancer research

Scientists at A*STAR's Institute of Medical Biology (IMB) and the Bioinformatics Institute (BII) have found new clues to early detection and personalised treatment of ovarian cancer, currently one of the most difficult cancers ...

Medical research

Growing human GI cells may lead to personalized treatments

(Medical Xpress)—A method of growing human cells from tissue removed from a patient's gastrointestinal (GI) tract eventually may help scientists develop tailor-made therapies for inflammatory bowel disease and other GI ...

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