Medical research

Ubiquitous nutrients suppress appetite and promote movement

In experiments on mice, researchers at ETH Zurich show that non-essential amino acids act as appetite suppressants and promote the urge to move. Their research is published in Current Biology and provides insight into the ...


Study: Big brains allow dexterous hands

People are skilled with their hands, but take a long time to learn dexterous abilities. It takes babies generally around five months before they can purposely grip an object. Learning more complicated skills such as eating ...


Singles or couples: Who sleeps better?

You might think that having the whole bed to yourself would leave you feeling more refreshed in the morning than sleeping with someone who might toss, turn or snore.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Five ways to manage your doomscrolling habit

Doomscrolling, according to Merriam-Webster, is "the tendency to continue to surf or scroll through bad news, even though that news is saddening, disheartening, or depressing." For many it's a habit born of the pandemic—and ...