Psychology & Psychiatry

Your pupils reveal how much you want to move to the beat

With just one look at your eyes, experts can tell what kind of music you want to move to. The urge to dance becomes greater if you first allow yourself to stomp your feet to the beat.

Attention deficit disorders

Using a virtual reality game to objectively detect ADHD

Researchers have used virtual reality games, eye tracking and machine learning to show that differences in eye movements can be used to detect ADHD, potentially providing a tool for more precise diagnosis of attention deficits. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychology: What gazes reveal about us

A new study by the TU Dresden shows that eye movements during the processing of tasks provide information about what the respective person is currently occupied with and what goals are being pursued within the task. These ...


Is tracking your sleep a good idea?

If you have trouble falling asleep or getting a good night's sleep, it seems intuitive to work harder to solve the problem by using some of the sleep apps, bracelets and other devices that have become increasingly popular.

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