Medical research

Plant extracts offer hope against diabetes and cancer

Diabetes is the fastest growing metabolic disease in the world. A new study has shown that traditional Aboriginal and Indian plant extracts could be used to manage the disease and may also have potential use in cancer treatment.

Medical research

ZEB1, Oscar for leading role in fat storage

A team from Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland, in collaboration with ETH Zurich, has managed to decode the process of adipogenesis by identifying the precise proteins that play the leading roles in ...

Medical research

Obesity-induced fatty liver disease reversed in mice

Johns Hopkins researchers have discovered that valproic acid, a widely prescribed drug for treating epilepsy, has the additional benefits of reducing fat accumulation in the liver and lowering blood sugar levels in the blood ...

Medical research

Surprising discovery: The skin communicates with the liver

Researchers from the University of Southern Denmark have discovered that the skin is capable of communicating with the liver. The discovery has surprised the scientists, and they say that it may help our understanding of ...


Intermittent fasting protects mice from type 2 diabetes

Every-other-day fasting substantially reduces the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes in mice eating a fat-rich diet, according to new research out of the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke. These ...


A single episode of high fat intake injures liver metabolism

Diets that are consistently high in saturated fat are linked to the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance, but it's not clear how high fat foods initiate the changes that lead to disease.

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