
Unique brain circuit is linked to body mass index

Why can some people easily stop eating when they are full and others can't, which can lead to obesity? A Northwestern Medicine study has found one reason may be a newly discovered structural connection between two regions ...


Brain circuit connects feeding and mood in response to stress

Many people have experienced stressful situations that trigger a particular mood and also change certain feelings toward food. An international team led by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine looked into the possibility ...


The hypothalamic QRFP—a neuropeptide between food and mood

The hypothalamus is a brain region implicated in several vital functions such as feeding, thermoregulation, reproduction, stress and metabolic regulation. Dozens of hypothalamic neuropeptides have been shown to be involved ...


Hunger may be more motivating than thirst, anxiety, or fear

Hunger is a strong motivational force, with the capacity to curb rival drives states such as thirst, anxiety, fear of predators, and social needs, according to a study in mice published September 29 in Neuron. The researchers ...

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