
New food guide rightly eschews serving sizes, says expert

The evolution of Canada's Food Guide to a plate full of three food categories – plus a glass of water – represents a positive step towards healthy, 'flexetarian' eating, says a leading Western expert on diet and nutrition.


Beef Up: Middle-aged men may need more to maintain muscle mass

People tend to lose muscle mass as they age; researchers are investigating ways to delay or counteract age-related muscle loss. A study conducted by the Exercise Metabolism Research Group at McMaster University suggests that ...


Confused about what to eat? Science can help

Do you feel like nutritionists are always changing their minds? Do you want science-based information about diet but don't know whom or what to believe?


Protein wars—why men love meat

Nov. 1 is World Vegan Day and apparently Canada is going meatless, unless you are a white older male, that is.


The rise of the conscious carnivore

The August long weekend approaches, and many Canadians will celebrate with picnics and barbecues. Meat often plays a central role when choosing the menu for gatherings among family and friends. But it seems eating meat is ...

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