Medical research

Researchers use single-cell sequencing to understand how cells age

Researchers from the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), University of Cambridge, the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the Cancer Research UK-Cambridge Institute (CRUK-CI) have shed light on a long-standing debate ...

Oncology & Cancer

Single-nucleus RNA sequencing, droplet by droplet

Last year Broad researchers described a single-nucleus RNA sequencing method called sNuc-Seq. This system enabled researchers to study the gene expression profiles of difficult-to-isolate cell types as well as cells from ...


Linking gene expression and DNA methylation in single cells

A new method by researchers in the UK and Belgium makes it possible to study the epigenome and transcriptome of a single cell at the same time. The protocol, published in Nature Methods, helps scientists pinpoint the relationship ...

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