Medical research

Lung disease and melanoma: A common molecular mechanism?

A Yale-led team of researchers has solved a biological mystery about the common genesis of many serious diseases such as asthma and metastatic melanoma, identifying the first known pathway by which their cellular functions ...

Medical research

New models advance the study of deadly human prion diseases

By directly manipulating a portion of the prion protein-coding gene, Whitehead Institute researchers have created mouse models of two neurodegenerative diseases that are fatal in humans. The highly accurate reproduction of ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

How disease mutations affect the Parkin protein

Researchers at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in the United Kingdom have determined the crystal structure of Parkin, a protein found in cells that when mutated can lead to a hereditary form of Parkinson's disease. ...

Medical research

Malaria's severity reset by mosquito

(Medical Xpress)—For the first time, researchers have proven that the way in which malaria is transmitted to the host affects how severe the resulting infection will be.


Gene discoveries give hope against 'Brittle bone' disease

(HealthDay)—Mutations in a gene involved in bone development appear to cause certain severe forms of bone loss, a finding that could lead to new therapies for the common bone-thinning disorder osteoporosis, researchers ...

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