Psychology & Psychiatry

Twenty-five-point drop in IQ caused by lack of gene copy

No autism is alike. This is also true of most mental disorders. "We now understand that each gene mutation has a specific effect, which adds to other effects to draw a unique picture of the disease in each patient," said ...

Medical research

Treating neurological symptoms of CHARGE syndrome

CHARGE syndrome is a rare genetic disorder affecting about 1 in 10,000 newborns. It can lead to neurological and behavioral disorders for which no treatment is currently available. Dr. Kessen Patten and his team from the ...


Walking may lessen the influence of genes on obesity by half

Watching too much TV can worsen your genetic tendency towards obesity, but you can cut the effect in half by walking briskly for an hour a day, researchers report at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Predicting the risk of severe side effects of cancer treatment

The risk of serious adverse effects on the blood status and bone marrow of patients during chemotherapy can be predicted by a model developed at Linköping University, Sweden. This research may make it possible to use genetic ...

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