Oncology & Cancer

Targeting cancer's hidden master regulators

Cancer research has long focused on targeting the genetic mutations that drive tumors. Many of these genetic changes affect genes that allow mutated cells to replicate out of control. While developing drugs to target these ...

Oncology & Cancer

Canceling cancer with T cells

What if we could engineer our immune system to make the human body better at fighting cancer? Professor Roy Mariuzza is part of a major research effort aimed at doing just that. An expert in the structural biology of immune ...

Oncology & Cancer

Potential of genetic screening for aggressive melanoma

Researchers from The University of Queensland and The Alfred hospital in Melbourne have identified gene variants which may contribute to people being at higher risk for nodular melanoma.


Electric shock reveals that worms may have basic 'emotions'

Brain research is one of the most crucial fields in modern life sciences, and "emotion" is one of its major topics. Studying emotions in animals has long been considered challenging with limited research mostly focused on ...

Oncology & Cancer

New gene markers detect Lynch syndrome-associated colorectal cancer

Researchers from Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center and Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine have discovered new genetic markers to identify Lynch syndrome-associated colorectal cancer with high accuracy. Studies ...

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