
Unraveling the gene-environment interaction

A special issue of the journal Child Development reports on studies that take important new steps in understanding how genes and the environment interact in shaping child behavior.


Genetic clue points to most vulnerable children

Some children are more sensitive to their environments, for better and for worse. Now Duke University researchers have identified a gene variant that may serve as a marker for these children, who are among society's most ...


Tailor-made pharmaceuticals as basis for novel antidepressants

The FK506-binding protein 51 (FKBP51) is an established risk factor for stress-related psychiatric disorders such as major depression. Drug discovery for FKBP51 has been hampered by the inability to pharmacologically differentiate ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Potential biomarker for post-traumatic stress disorder

(Medical Xpress)—Blood expression levels of genes targeted by the stress hormones called glucocorticoids could be a physical measure, or biomarker, of risk for developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), according ...

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