Medical research

The anti-obesity effect of wheat polyphenols

Researchers from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), have discovered that wheat polyphenols have effects that improve the rhythm of activity and suppress obesity and glucose intolerance ...

Medical research

Food contaminants worsen metabolic problems in obese mice

(Medical Xpress)—In order to get a better understanding of these effects, researchers from the Inserm cardiovascular, metabolism, diabetology and nutrition unit (U1060 " Laboratoire de recherche en cardiovasculaire, métabolisme, ...


Study suggests gut metagenome link to Type 2 diabetes

(Medical Xpress)—A team made up of researchers from Sweden and Denmark has found evidence of a possible link between gut metagenome and Type 2 diabetes. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the team describes ...


Study questions the effectiveness of coffee for weight loss

(Medical Xpress)—Western Australian researchers hoping to demonstrate improved cardiovascular function among coffee lovers have found that drinking too much of the popular brew may actually be linked to worsening of the ...

Sleep disorders

Treatment of sleep apnea improves glucose levels in prediabetes

Optimal treatment of sleep apnea in patients with prediabetes improves blood sugar (glucose) levels and thus can reduce cardiometabolic risk, according to a study to be presented at the ATS 2013 International Conference in ...

Overweight & Obesity

Will green tea help you lose weight?

Evidence has shown that green tea extract may be an effective herbal remedy useful for weight control and helping to regulate glucose in type 2 diabetes. In order to ascertain whether green tea truly has this potential, Jae-Hyung ...


Pot smoking linked to some metabolic changes

(HealthDay)—Regularly smoking pot is associated with visceral adiposity and adipose tissue insulin resistance, but not other metabolic changes such as impaired β-cell function or hepatic steatosis, according to a study ...

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