
Do hearts fail because they're hooked on blood sugar?

Could your heart get hooked on blood sugar? Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine think so, and they will determine if blocking that addiction could prevent enlargement of the heart that can lead to ...


New strategy to lower blood sugar may help in diabetes treatment

Some treatments for type 2 diabetes make the body more sensitive to insulin, the hormone that lowers blood sugar. But new research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests a different strategy: slowing ...

Medical research

Vitamin A deficiency may be involved in type 2 diabetes

Investigators have long sought the answer to a vexing question: What are the biological mechanisms involved in the development of type 2 diabetes? A recent study from Weill Cornell Medical College researchers suggests that ...


Local study to examine paleo diet for protective effects

Potentially groundbreaking research comparing palaeolithic and traditional healthy diets is the focus of a new Edith Cowan University study investigating whether the paleo diet can help protect against heart disease and diabetes.

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