
Cost now biggest turn-off to smoking

Rising cigarette prices have overtaken health concerns as the biggest motivator for people to cut down or stop smoking.


The world is hooked on junk food: How big companies pull it off

It is almost impossible nowadays to listen to the radio, watch TV or scroll through social media without being exposed to an advertisement telling us that all we need for a little happiness and love is a sugary drink or a ...


UQ research finds alcopops tax ineffective

A University of Queensland research team have evaluated the effectiveness of the 'alcopops' tax by studying binge drinking-related admissions at the Gold Coast Hospital.


Cheaper chocolate and alcohol are a public health setback

Norway's budget settlement between the government and the Progress Party resulted in getting rid of the sugar tax for chocolate and sweets, halving the tax on soft drinks, cutting the taxes on snuff by 25 percent and on beer ...


Anger over re-introduction of tampon tax in Tanzania

A decision by Tanzania's government to reintroduce a tax on sanitary pads and tampons has angered women in the country, with one activist on Sunday saying it would have "heavy consequences" for women.

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