
Seven myths and truths about healthy skin

Skin is our largest organ and something we may take for granted when it's healthy. As an academic dermatologist I frequently hear misleading "facts" that seem to be stubbornly enduring. Here are some of the most commonly ...


Diet cycling impacts spatial memory according to rat study

We all know this scenario. You've been sticking to a healthy diet, then the weekend rolls around. Pub meals, greasy fry-ups, takeaway dinners… None of that matters as long as you ate healthily during the week, right?


Experts address top food myths

Don't eat after 8 p.m. Wait—don't eat before noon? Have a glass of red wine; it's good for your heart! Actually, no amount of alcohol is good for your health. Nix the carbs. Nix the red meat. Nix the eggs.


What exactly does 'healthy' mean when it comes to food?

Anyone who's ever walked into a grocery store has seen the various health claims on food items calling certain products "healthy." But what exactly does "healthy" mean—and can you rely on it?


US adults get failing grade in healthy lifestyle behavior

Only 2.7 percent of the U.S. adult population achieves all four of some basic behavioral characteristics that researchers say would constitute a "healthy lifestyle" and help protect against cardiovascular disease, a recent ...


There's something healthy in the state of Denmark

The people of Denmark are not only concerned about what they eat, but they are willing to pay more tax to eat healthier and make more informed eating choices. The results of this study come at a time when healthy eating and ...


Adolescents who have more than four meals a day are thinner

A study carried out in Spain reveals that certain healthy habits, like eating more than four times a day or not eating too fast, are associated with lower body fat levels independently of exercise habits during free time.

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