
People's diets show a sugar-fat seesaw

Research published today shows why people find it hard to follow Government guidelines to cut their fat and sugars intake at the same time - a phenomenon known as the sugar-fat seesaw.


What is the Mediterranean diet and why is it good for you?

A recent study published by Italian researchers shows that adhering to a Mediterranean-style diet can offer protection against type 2 diabetes. The paper is just the latest in a long line of research pointing out the wonders ...


How to make a richer, healthier chocolate dessert

Creamy chocolate pudding is major comfort food, but most store-bought and even homemade versions have loads of sugar and little nutrition. Yet it is possible to make a super chocolatey pudding that's also good for you.


Tips for healthy heart from a Mayo Clinic cardiologist

Today's age of quick access to information, constant updates on medical advancements and health recommendations make it easy to get overwhelmed. But when it comes to maintaining a healthy heart, Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, ...

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