Medical research

Using nanocapsules to deliver vaccines to lungs

Many viruses and bacteria infect humans through mucosal surfaces, such as those in the lungs, gastrointestinal tract and reproductive tract. To help fight these pathogens, scientists are working on vaccines that can establish ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Herpes cure with gene editing makes progress in laboratory studies

Researchers at Fred Hutch Cancer Center have found in pre-clinical studies that an experimental gene therapy for genital and oral herpes removed 90% or more of the infection and suppressed how much virus can be released from ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How herpes hijacks a ride into cells

Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered how herpes viruses hijack cellular transport processes to infiltrate the nervous system, as described in a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How the herpes virus HCMV deceives its host cells

Herpes viruses are treacherous: once you are infected, you can never get rid of the virus. This is because herpes viruses lie dormant in certain host cells in the body for a lifetime. Almost every adult unknowingly carries ...

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Mongoose (plural: mongooses or, rarely, mongeese) is a name for any member of the family Herpestidae (although also used for some members of Eupleridae), a family of small, cat-like carnivores.

The word mongoose is derived from the Marathi name mangus (pronounced as "mongoose"), perhaps ultimately from Dravidian (cf. Telugu mungeesa, Kannada mungisi). The form of the English name (since 1698) was altered to its -goose ending by folk-etymology. It has no etymological connection with the word goose.

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