Medical research

Study provides hope for some human stem cell therapies

An international team of scientists headed by biologists at UC San Diego has discovered that an important class of stem cells known as human "induced pluripotent stem cells," or iPSCs, which are derived from an individual's ...

Medical research

Israeli company plans to make insulin injections obsolete

Modern medicine sometimes really is a miracle, with many illnesses and conditions that in the past spelled sure death now treatable and curable. Not only is medicine effective, but in recent years it's becoming more convenient, ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Testing a one-time treatment to relieve Parkinson's symptoms

After decades of research into the causes and treatment of Parkinson's disease, UC Irvine Health neurologist Dr. Claire Henchcliffe is hopeful that a new cell therapy can finally bring meaningful relief to patients with the ...

Medical research

Embryonic stem cell transplant restores memory, learning in mice

For the first time, human embryonic stem cells have been transformed into nerve cells that helped mice regain the ability to learn and remember. A study at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is the first to show that human ...

Medical research

New cells may help treat diabetes

Starting from human skin cells, researchers at the University of Iowa have created human insulin-producing cells that respond to glucose and correct blood-sugar levels in diabetic mice. The findings may represent a first ...

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