
Probing the limits to memory

(Medical Xpress)—There is no mystery in the way that computers store information. It is straightforward to determine how much memory they have and what is contained in that memory. Brains don't really have memory in this ...

Medical research

Embryonic stem cell transplant restores memory, learning in mice

For the first time, human embryonic stem cells have been transformed into nerve cells that helped mice regain the ability to learn and remember. A study at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is the first to show that human ...


Study links hippocampus with unconscious bias

(Medical Xpress)—A new US study into brain function has found links between preferences and the regions of the brain involved in connecting new memories to old ones. The associations formed provide shortcuts the subconscious ...


Scientists erase fear from the brain

Newly formed emotional memories can be erased from the human brain. This is shown by researchers from Uppsala University in a new study now being published by the academic journal Science. The findings may represent a breakthrough ...


Can a single brain region encode familiarity and recollection?

The human brain has the extraordinary ability to rapidly discern a stranger from someone familiar, even as it can simultaneously remember details about someone across decades of encounters. Now, in mouse studies, scientists ...


Amnesia caused by head injury reversed in early mouse study

A mouse study designed to shed light on memory loss in people who experience repeated head impacts, such as athletes, suggests the condition could potentially be reversed. The research in mice finds that amnesia and poor ...

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