
Starving immune cells prevents allergic reaction in lung

Starving immune cells of key nutrients stymies their ability to launch an allergic response, according to new research from a multi-institutional collaboration led by Weill Cornell Medicine investigators. The findings illuminate ...


The brain may show signs of aging earlier than old age

A new study published in Physiological Genomics suggests that the brain shows signs of aging earlier than old age. The study found that the microglia cells—the immune cells of the brain—in middle-aged mice already showed ...

Medical research

Cause of viral infection of the brain mapped out

Researchers from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital have - in collaboration with international researchers - found a cause for why contracting herpes virus ends up being fatal for some people. While most people ...


A new molecule is found to prevent preterm birth

Premature births are intimately linked with inflammation of the uterine tissue, a biological response which induces contractions and preterm labor. In their search for a mean to prevent this phenomenon and complications related ...

Inflammatory disorders

Controlling inflammation to reduce chronic disease risk

An unresolved inflammatory response is likely to be involved from the early stages of disease development. Controlling inflammation is crucial to human health and a key future preventative and therapeutic target. In a recent ...

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