
Breaking up prolonged sitting benefits postmenopausal women

(HealthDay)—Breaking up prolonged sitting with standing or walking improves postprandial markers of cardiometabolic health in overweight/obese, dysglycemic, postmenopausal women, according to a study published online Dec. ...


Medication review at ICU to ward transfer cuts drug problems

(HealthDay)—Medication review by a clinical pharmacist and immediate communication of drug therapy recommendations can reduce the number of drug-related problems (DRPs) at the transfer point from intensive care unit (ICU) ...


Racial disparity seen with congenital heart surgery

(HealthDay)—There are poorer medical outcomes in black and Hispanic patients undergoing surgical intervention for congenital heart disease, although mortality is not increased, according to a study published in the Dec. ...


Intervention for NICU moms reduces their trauma, anxiety

(HealthDay)—An intervention aimed at reducing parental trauma and redefining the parental experience for those with very premature newborns is both feasible and cost-effective, according to a study published online Sept. ...


Big belly increases death risk in heart attack survivors

Having a big belly increases the risk of death in heart attack survivors, according to research presented at ESC Congress 2013 by Professor Tabassome Simon and Professor Nicolas Danchin from France. The findings from the ...


Exercise benefits patients with type 2 diabetes

Moderate-intensity exercise reduces fat stored around the heart, in the liver and in the abdomen of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus, even in the absence of any changes in diet, according to a new study published online ...

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