
Get a jump on daylight saving time

Many people will go to work on less sleep than normal Monday because they will have trouble adjusting to Daylight Saving Time.


Cell death in retina helps tune our internal clocks

(Medical Xpress)—With every sunrise and sunset, our eyes make note of the light as it waxes and wanes, a process that is critical to aligning our circadian rhythms to match the solar day so we are alert during the day and ...

Medical research

Researchers discover how the flu virus tells time

Scientists have discovered that that the flu virus can essentially tell time, thereby giving scientists the ability to reset the virus' clock and combat it in more effective ways. According to researchers at the Icahn School ...


A step forward in regenerating and repairing damaged nerve cells

A team of IRCM researchers, led by Dr. Frédéric Charron, recently uncovered a nerve cell's internal clock, used during embryonic development. The discovery was made in collaboration with Dr. Alyson Fournier's laboratory ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Re-Timer ready to reset sleep

(Medical Xpress)—Today saw the launch of Re-Timer, a wearable green light device invented by Flinders University sleep researchers to reset the body's internal clock.


Time change means turning clocks back on Sunday

(HealthDay)—The massive East Coast power outages caused by Hurricane Sandy may make it moot for many, but clocks still need to be turned back an hour this weekend.

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