
Protecting our brains: Tackling delirium

A new national plan of action provides a roadmap for improving the care of patients with delirium, a poorly understood and often unrecognized brain condition that affects approximately seven million hospitalized Americans ...

Attention deficit disorders

More sleep may help teens with ADHD focus and organize

Teenagers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may benefit from more sleep to help them focus, plan and control their emotions. The findings—the first of their kind in young people with ADHD—will be presented ...

Sleep disorders

Obstructive sleep apnea linked to cancer growth in mice

A new study links the intermittent interruption of breathing that occurs in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) to enhanced proliferation of melanoma cancer cells and increased tumor growth in mice, according to researchers ...


Sleep deprivation in doctors

Sleep deprivation is an issue that affects practising physicians and not only medical residents, and we need to establish standards for maximum work and minimum uninterrupted sleep to ensure patient safety, states an editorial ...


Does sleep really keep you healthy?

A recent article published in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, states getting enough sleep can actually help you maintain a healthier lifestyle. With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting our quality of life, remaining healthy ...


Sleep to protect your brain

A new study from Uppsala University, Sweden, shows that one night of sleep deprivation increases morning blood concentrations of NSE and S-100B in healthy young men. These molecules are typically found in the brain. Thus, ...

Medical research

Researchers delve into what happens during sleep

In the classic fairy tale, Snow White bites into an apple and slips into a state of suspended animation. For her fellow figment of fiction, man-about-the-Catskills character Rip Van Winkle, a sip of moonshine affords the ...


Think pink: Getting a good night's sleep in difficult times

White noise is a popular solution for drowning out unwanted sounds, but there is actually an entire rainbow of sounds. New research from Penn State suggests that "pink noise" might enhance the quality of a person's sleep.

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