
Antibody eradicates leukemia stem cells

The introduction of the drug imatinib in 2001 revolutionized the treatment of a type of cancer called chronic myelogenous leukemia. In more than 80 percent of people with CML who received the drug, the disease went into complete ...

Oncology & Cancer

Making cancer stem cells visible to the immune system

Leukemia stem cells protect themselves against the immune defense by suppressing a target molecule for killer cells. This protective mechanism can be tricked with drugs. In the journal Nature, scientists from Basel, Tübingen ...

Oncology & Cancer

Major breakthrough in the treatment of leukemia

A molecular process involved in the action of anti-leukemia drugs has been discovered at Université de Montréal's Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC). While calling into question a central tenet of oncology, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Mutation stands in the way of healthy blood cell maturation

In the veins, stem cells constantly mature and develop into blood cells that are necessary for the body to work properly. Now, researchers from the University of Copenhagen and EMBL in Heidelberg have discovered exactly how ...

Medical research

Genetically encoded sensor isolates hidden leukemic stem cells

All stem cells can multiply, proliferate and differentiate. Because of these qualities, leukemic stem cells are the most malignant of all leukemic cells. Understanding how leukemic stem cells are regulated has become an important ...


A cure for HIV? Feasible but not yet realized

This week a team of scientists and physicians from the U.K. published news of a second HIV positive man, in London, who is in long-term (18-month) HIV remission after undergoing treatment for Hodgkins lymphoma. The unexpected ...

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