Oncology & Cancer

The goldilocks of radioisotopes, just right for treating cancer

Cutting across demographic and geographic lines, cancer remains the second-leading cause of death in the United States. According to the National Cancer Institute, more than one in three men and women in America will be diagnosed ...


Many teens think 'light smoking' is safe, study finds

(HealthDay)—While the vast majority of American teens say heavy daily smoking is a major health hazard, many others mistakenly believe that "light"—or occasional—smoking isn't harmful.


Protecting genes, one molecule at a time

An international team of scientists have shown at an unprecedented level of detail how cells prioritise the repair of genes containing potentially dangerous damage. The research, published in the journal Nature and involving ...

Medical research

A mouse model to evaluate potential age-promoting compounds

While there are well-established mouse models to identify cancer-causing agents, similar models are not available to readily test and identify age-promoting agents. Recently, a mouse strain (p16LUC mice) was developed that ...