
How an enriched environment fires up our synapses

Processing of sensory impressions and information depends very much on how the synapses in our brain work. A team around chemist Robert Ahrends from the University of Vienna and neuroscientist Michael R. Kreutz from Leibniz ...

Oncology & Cancer

Blood lipids linked to cancer, along with family history

Fat biomolecules in the blood, called 'serum lipids,' are necessary evils. They play important roles in the lipid metabolism and are integral for the normal functioning of the body. However, they have a darker side; according ...

Oncology & Cancer

'Bad fat' suppresses killer T cells from attacking cancer

In order for cancer to grow and spread, it has to evade detection by our immune cells, particularly specialized "killer" T cells. Salk researchers led by Professor Susan Kaech have found that the environment inside tumors ...


Investigating the role of Brd4 in diet-induced obesity

A new study, published in JCI Insight, looks at how Brd4, a regulator of the innate immune response, influences diet-induced obesity. The researchers believe that Brd4 could be used as a target for obesity and insulin resistance.

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