Oncology & Cancer

Metastatic cancer gorges on fructose in the liver

Biomedical engineers at Duke University have demonstrated that metastatic cancer cells can reprogram their metabolism to thrive in new organs. Specifically, the research shows that cells originating from colorectal cancer ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Mineral supplement could stop fatty liver disease progression

Results from a preclinical study add new evidence that a multi-mineral dietary supplement known as Aquamin could be a simple and effective way to reduce the long-term health consequences of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Synthetic 'forever chemical' linked to liver cancer

Exposure to a synthetic chemical found widely in the environment is linked to non-viral hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common type of liver cancer, according to a new study conducted by researchers from the Keck School ...


Researchers discover treatment that suppresses liver cancer

Researchers from the University of Missouri School of Medicine have discovered a treatment combination that significantly reduces tumor growth and extends the life span of mice with liver cancer. This discovery provides a ...

Oncology & Cancer

Starving cancer cells by blocking their metabolism

Scientists at EPFL have found a way to starve liver cancer cells by blocking a protein that is required for glutamine breakdown—while leaving normal cells intact. The discovery opens new ways to treat liver cancer.

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Liver cancer

Liver cancer is a cancer that starts in the liver. For a thorough understanding of liver cancer it is important to know a brief summary of how the liver works and functions. The liver is the largest organ in the body. It is located below the right lung and under the ribcage. The liver is divided into two lobes: the right lobe and left lobe. Protein is obtained by the liver from a set of sources. The portal vein carries nutrient rich blood from the intestines to the liver and the hepatic artery supplies the liver with blood that is rich in oxygen. Multiple types of tumors can develop in the liver because the liver is made up of many various cells. Tumors that are cancerous are termed malignant and tumors that do not contain cancer are termed benign. Liver cancer is characterized by the presence of malignant hepatic tumors -- tumors or growths on or in the liver (medical terms pertaining to the liver often start in hepato- or hepatic from the Greek word for liver, hēpar, stem hēpat-). They may be discovered on medical imaging (even for a different reason than the cancer itself), or may be present in patients as an abdominal mass, abdominal pain, jaundice, or some other liver dysfunction.

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