Oncology & Cancer

Anti-cancer lymphatic drugs show potential

Researchers at the University of Auckland are using zebrafish embryos to investigate potential medicines that will inhibit the spread of some cancers via the lymphatic system.

Medical research

New function for a messenger molecule

ETH Zurich Assistant Professor Cornelia Halin and her colleagues have discovered a new function of the well-known messenger protein interleukin-7: it facilitates the drainage of lymph fluid from tissues. In the future, the ...

Overweight & Obesity

Obesity may raise odds for painful leg condition

(HealthDay) -- The health risks associated with being overweight and obese are well publicized, but new research may add another condition to this list: leg lymphedema, pain and swelling due to blockage of the lymph nodes ...


Boost your immune system with a healthy lifestyle

Your immune system is your defense against disease. Its many different parts need to work in balance and harmony to protect our bodies from harmful germs and viruses; in essence to attack and destroy any they find.

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