Oncology & Cancer

Large study identifies risk factors for multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a type of leukaemia which affects B lymphocytes. There have been some indications that exposure to pesticides or chlorinated solvents increases the risk of developing this cancer. New research published ...

Oncology & Cancer

Strengthening artificial immune cells to fight cancer

Among available immunotherapies, the use of CAR T cells is proving extremely effective against certain blood cancers, but only in half of patients. A main reason for this is the premature dysfunction of these immune cells, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Experimental drug combination selectively destroys lymphoma cells

Laboratory experiments conducted by scientists at Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center suggest that a novel combination of the drugs ibrutinib and bortezomib could potentially be an effective new therapy ...

Oncology & Cancer

Current blood cancer drug prices not justified, study finds

The costs associated with cancer drug prices have risen dramatically over the past 15 years, which is of concern to many top oncologists. In a new analysis, researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center ...

Oncology & Cancer

New key element discovered in pathogenesis of Burkitt lymphoma

Burkitt lymphoma is a malignant, fast-growing tumor that originates from a subtype of white blood cells called B lymphocytes of the immune system and often affects internal organs and the central nervous system. Now Dr. Sandrine ...


High-value research of 2014 presented for hematology

(HealthDay)—Articles relating to malignant hematology, transfusion medicine, and bleeding and clotting disorders are included in a special update summary published online April 30 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Oncology & Cancer

Leap in leukemia treatment reported by Dartmouth researchers

Doctors at Dartmouth-Hitchcock's Norris Cotton Cancer Center (NCCC) have found a combination of drugs to potentially treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) more effectively. The research was published online on May 3, 2013, ...

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