Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Linking Gaucher and Parkinson's Diseases

Gaucher (pronounced "go-shay") disease affects one in 450 Jewish people of Ashkenazi (eastern European) descent (one in 10 is a carrier), yet only 1 in 40,000 people in the general population. Of course mutations can happen ...


Batten disease may benefit from gene therapy

In a study of dogs, scientists showed that a new way to deliver replacement genes may be effective at slowing the development of childhood Batten disease, a rare and fatal neurological disorder. The key may be to inject viruses ...

Medical research

First-in-man clinical trial for Hunter syndrome underway

A first-in-man clinical trial, testing a newly developed drug for a rare genetic condition called mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) or Hunter syndrome, is underway at Emory University.

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