
Meat-eating extends human life expectancy worldwide

Has eating meat become unfairly demonized as bad for your health? That's the question a global, multidisciplinary team of researchers has been studying and the results are in—eating meat still offers important benefits ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How your brain wrestles with the ethics of eating animals

Most people eat meat and dairy with little thought of the consequences. Yet those consequences are planetary in scale. Raising livestock for meat, eggs and milk accounts for roughly 14% of all man-made greenhouse gas emissions. ...


Meat, multiple sclerosis and the microbiome

Eating more meat, having less of certain bacteria in the gut, and more of certain immune cells in the blood, all link with multiple sclerosis, reports a team of researchers led by UConn Health and Washington University School ...


Plant-based doesn't always mean healthy

As we ring in the new year and people announce their resolutions and goals for 2022, many opt for getting healthy, cutting out drinking or starting a new hobby. Vegan magazines and organizations are pushing plant-based diets—calling ...


Grains: An overlooked source of sustainable protein for health

Cereal foods already play a major role in the diet in most countries worldwide, as the main dietary source of energy, carbohydrate, dietary fiber, and plant-based protein. However, currently, less than half of the grains ...

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