Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Precision rehabilitation may prevent osteoarthritis

Athletes and sports fans know that a torn ACL knocks a player out of the game, requires surgical repair and involves a long recovery. But for many injured athletes, being temporarily sidelined is only the beginning of a lifelong ...


Now closer to reality: Prosthetics that can feel

Humans do a lot of things with their hands: We squeeze avocados at the grocery story, scratch our dogs behind the ears and hold our significant others' hands. They are things that many people who have lost limbs can't do.


New microsurgery robot is five times as precise as a human hand

A very steady hand and a lot of concentration: carrying out highly precise operations – for example to repair blood vessels or nerve fibers – places such high demands on surgeons that few are able to do it successfully. ...


CFD modeling confirms improved blood flow with new stent design

Vascular surgeon Pat Kelly of Sanford Health knew his patients were doing better with the stent graft he designed, but he wanted a better understanding of the mechanics before testing the device more widely in a clinical ...

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