Medical research

Study: Prazosin inhibits endocytic sorting

In a study just published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Dr Ulrike Eggert et al. demonstrated that the drug Prazosin inhibits endocytic sorting.

Oncology & Cancer

Fighting cancer with the immune system

The human immune system has a natural ability to identify and attack tumor cells. Natural killer (NK) cells are innate immune cells that are particularly effective at killing tumor cells due to their ability to secrete cytotoxic ...

Oncology & Cancer

Skp2 activates cancer-promoting, glucose-processing Akt

HER2 and its epidermal growth factor receptor cousins mobilize a specialized protein to activate a major player in cancer development and sugar metabolism, scientists report in the May 25 issue of Cell.


Perception and preference may have genetic link to obesity

About five years ago, animal studies first revealed the presence of entirely novel types of oral fat sensors or receptors on the tongue. Prior to this time, it was believed that fats were perceived only by flavor and texture ...

Oncology & Cancer

New tumor suppressor gene identified

A recent study published in Clinical Cancer Research suggests that the protein hVps37A suppresses tumor growth in ovarian cancer. The work, which was funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, shows, for the first time, that ...


Conducting how neurons fire

Contrary to expectations that the neurotransmitter GABA only inhibited neuronal firing in the adult brain, RIKEN-led research has shown that it can also excite interneurons in the hippocampus of the rat brain by changing ...

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