Psychology & Psychiatry

Study uncovers why women remember events better

(Medical Xpress)—Gender plays a strong role in how people remember, a new Cornell study confirms. Research – and many tales from real life – report that women are typically better at remembering past events than men. ...

Medical research

Protein is potential target for memory drugs

Researchers at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) have determined that the presence of a particular protein in the brain may suppress the brain's ability to learn, making it a potential precursor to memory loss in ...


Primed for memory formation

A new study carried out in a collaboration between researchers from LMU and UC San Diego suggests that new sensory experiences are encoded in pre-existing patterns of neuronal activity, which are recalled, modulated and enhanced ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Exploring the antidepressant effects of testosterone

Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, appears to have antidepressant properties, but the exact mechanisms underlying its effects have remained unclear. Nicole Carrier and Mohamed Kabbaj, scientists at Florida State ...


Mechanism behind the activation of dormant memory cells discovered

The electrical stimulation of the hippocampus in in-vivo experiments activates precisely the same receptor complexes as learning or memory recall. This has been discovered for the first time and the finding has now been published ...

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