Medical research

Vagus nerve active during exercise, research finds

The vagus nerve, known for its role in 'resting and digesting,' has now been found to have an important role in exercise, helping the heart pump blood, which delivers oxygen around the body.


Branching out: Modeling neurons in new ways

Nothing is easy to predict, especially not the development of organisms. However, predicting neuron cell growth has just become a little bit easier, thanks to CMU researchers.


3D genome analysis reveals secrets to antibody diversity

One of the remaining mysteries of immunology is the exact mechanism that B cells use to generate millions of antibodies with different specificities to protect us from the plethora of pathogens in the environment.

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Study adds to evidence that Parkinson's starts in the gut

Ask any neurologist: Parkinson's disease is a brain disorder. The conspicuous symptoms of Parkinson's disease—uncontrollable tremors, slowed down motions, and the feeling that one's feet are stuck to the ground—all stem ...


Scientists develop new model for understanding uterine fibroids

Northwestern Medicine scientists have developed a new cellular model of uterine fibroids that stem from common genetic mutations, which will accelerate further research and development of future treatments, according to findings ...

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